Lisa Nolan
Mendelstraße 23
13187 Berlin-Pankow
Studio: 030 - 914 220 85
Mobile: 0171 - 785 5975
Fees & payment options
A Trial Lesson – 25 Euro
Students can choose from the following models:
- No Agreement – 1 Hour individual coaching, 40 Euro
- With agreement – 1 Hour individual coaching, 35 Euro (Weekly or fortnightly: 4 or 2 hours per Month)
- Concession (Adult 30 Euro, Children under 15 years 25 Euro )
Lessons are billed monthly (2 months’ notice of termination required)
Package – 10 Lesson
- 10 Lesson Package is purchased in advance and should be used within 12 month of purchase.
- 10 x 1 single lesson 320 Euro (32 Euro per hour)
Group singing lessons
- Singing Basics: Series of 8 x 2 Hour group lessons (3 students) – 160 Euro per person
Repertoire und Interpretation Class
- Monthly solo performance class .
- Masterclass style with Voice teacher and Piano accompanist
- 2 hour class with up to 8 participants.
- For intermediate to advanced singers
- For regular voice students 10 Euro, visiting singers 15 Euro