Lisa Nolan
Mendelstraße 23
13187 Berlin-Pankow
Studio: 030 - 914 220 85
Mobile: 0171 - 785 5975
Here you can find some examples of my work. I wish you fun while listening to it.
Three Song Cycles: Debussy, Kowalsky, Ginastera
Lisa Nolan soprano, Przemysław Winnicki piano
Hörprobe: Debussy De Reve von Proses lyriques
Hörprobe: Ginastera Triste von Cinco canciones popolares argentias
Lisa Nolan soprano and Marina Remizova, pianist
Sydney @ Fine Music FM Radio studio, 2013.
Tel Nuit Tel jour reveals the inner world of the surrealist poet Paul Eluard. His experiences of WW1 led to a flight into the subconscious and a new poetry, which captures the horror of war and the intense beauty of life. Thanks to a collaboration with Francis Poulenc, the power and tenderness of his work are communicated through music. Both poet and composer are masters of contrast in this arresting and rarely performed song cycle.
The accompanying songs in this CD represent late romantic art song. The sensuality and restlessness of Paul Verlaine is conveyed unerringly by Faure in Mandoline and En Sourdine from the celebrated Ariettes Oubliée. A youthful Strauss shows his gift for theatricality and lyricism setting another ‘fin de siècle’ poet, Herman von Glim in his Op 10 song collection.
In the earlier concert aria Ch’Io mi scordi di te, Idamante embodies the classical virtues. Consoling the beloved and railing against the cruelty of the Fates, Mozart voices the same heroic tenderness and defiance that are echoed, centuries later, by Eluard in Tel Nuit Tel Jour
Henri Poulenc & Paul Eluard:
From the cycle ‘Tel Jour, Tel Nuit’
1. Bonne journée
3. Le front comme un drapeau perdu
4. Une roulette couverte en tuiles
5. A toutes brides
7. Je n’ai envie que de t’aimer
8. Figure de force brûlante et farouche
9. Nous avons fait la nuit
Gabriel Fauré & Paul Verlaine (Ariette Oubliee)
1. Mandoline
2. En Sourdine
Richard Strauss & Herman von Glim (from Op 10 Songs)
1. Die Verschwiegenen
2. Die Georgine
Mozart Ch’io mi scordi di te? Concert Aria